Saturday 9 August 2008

Shaving Foam

Supplies needed: Cheap shaving foam, glossy card stock, a lid or tray (mine is an ice-cream tub lid), liquid inks (re-inkers, alcohol inks etc), kitchen towel

Spray shaving foam into your lid / tray (about an inch thick)

Add drops of colour as below - I used a peeled paint distressed re-inker

Move the colouring medium around until you get a look that you like (I used the end of a paint brush)

Once you are happy, press the glossy card firmly into the foam ( glossy card works best)
Peel the card off the foam
Leave to stand for a minute or two
Wipe off all the excess foam with a kitchen towel - This bit is messy!!!

This is the end result

You can add more colours if you wish - I added spiced marmalade
Followed the same procedure, moved the colouring medium around the foam (using a paint brush) until I got the look I liked
Placed the glossy card firmly on top of the foam
Peeled it off again
Left it to stand for a minute or two
Wiped the excess foam off with a kitchen towel and we now have two colours on the glossy cardstock
I went through the same steps again, this time adding a third colour - china blue from the distressed range of re-inkers
Pressed it firmly in the foam, peeled it off, left to stand and wiped the excess off with a kitchen towel - another fab result
These are the three different backgrounds I made from the same tray of foam just by simply adding more colours - now you try it


  1. brilliant results Sam - this is one I've been meaning to try - bought the foam but got no further!!! I will though - tomorrow

  2. fab sam, like hilda I meant to do it, got the bits just usual
    ty for sharing

  3. Brilliant Sam I will be going out tomorow looking for shaving foam

  4. I so can't wait to try this out, went shopping to get foam yesterday & forgot it!

  5. Just found this site courtesy of Shaz. It is WONDERFUL! Thanks you so much for sharing all your techniques - I'll work my way through them all. On the shaving foam technique, how long do you have to wait before wiping off?

  6. Caz and I got the shaving foam today and tried it - great fun and results. Thanks Sam.

  7. This technique is great fun! Have used it on fabric also. I do have something to add...use an inexpensive squeegee to remove the shaving foam...easy, effective and far less messy!
